Mechanics is a Cyma M14 origin, everything is simple.
Before buying this replica, I read a bunch of things on FA and on the forum, I read that it was such a good basis for customs but that originally it was a little too powerful, having no chrony, I still started at the risk of the custom on the sidelines in Okinawa as too powerful.
After testing the operation, the M14 underwent surgery to remove unnecessary parts, such as the sling, the flash suppressor, all of the cocking lever, the removal of part of lacrosse, fore and upper handguard.
I won about 1500gr with all its parts and less is not too!
With the body of the reply, I immediately understood that it would not be an easy task, these sacred goddamn Japanese did not like the others, the maxim, or the Cal.30 Cal.50 the body of the gun is smooth but with visible rivets on the Model 92, there is THAT machining, with moldings and hollow!
So I went on a sheet of aluminum 15mm that I bought for a credenza in my kitchen, I went to the aluminum because I had already, no need to buy and also to ease the work, cutting, trimming or bending.
The little info I had informed me that the weapon measured 1156mm long with a 721mm gun, a 435mm body.
After making plans on paper, I made sketches of the two side plates of wood which I then used as a template to cut out the aluminum.
I stripped the sheets and bent brackets,
I then attacked the front plate supporting the replica, as the side plates, a blank template for wood after aluminum plate and create the hole to insert the reply,
After adjustment (crooked top and not at all!) I cut the legs to strengthen the body:
I set up the four threaded rods for fixing the cooling rings:
I realized the opening hood always sheet aluminum 15mm and 15mm aluminum angle:
I realized in the wood of an old fir bastin a rounded portion on top of the replica trying to do my best to stick to the correct model, while the file, sandpaper, a saw wood ... it was nice and very long ...
I cut into the Plexiglas elements trying répoduire reliefs on each side, which was not an easy task:
I made the wrong Greyhound weapons that slides but it is more visual than anything else,
The false door of head protection:
The room used to support the ammunition belt to load and then the hole for the borrowing tube of gases:
Block the trigger made of wood with a file, dremel and so on, well boring to do something but it's annoying when the satisfaction is even greater!
(google translation)