Master sergeant
Posts: 1,142
Post by kalbs on Oct 20, 2010 21:52:38 GMT -5
Early pea dot camo was issued with the SS sleeve eagle and buttons and slides for epaulets however regulations actually forbid this on pea dot HBT’s . Later models of the uniform did not have any insignia. Collar tabs were rarely worn and if done was by the individual but again this was against regulations. It was more common to see the HBT’s without any insignia.
It would be okay to wear the top with field gray trousers and jack boots but during the late war period the pea dot was released short marching boots with gaitors would be more common.
Post by Fusilier on Oct 20, 2010 22:25:13 GMT -5
Theres an original Dot tunic in the West Point museum with FULL insignia,cuff title and all.BUT, as Kalbs said,that was the exception rather than the norm. Later War you just saw the sleeve eagle,or nothing at all. BTW.on a lot of these dot tunics,they come with OFFICER pattern eagle,not enlisted.there is a difference! That being said,I have a brand new set I need to sell...:-)
Posts: 1,199
Post by gadge on Oct 29, 2010 3:22:24 GMT -5
Dot44 was issued as an oversuit but occasionally (like brit denim overalls) were used in very hot conditions as outer wear. The thing to bear in mind is that t was issued in march 44 and withdrawn in November 44 as it simply got ruined too quickly and wasnt hard wearing enough. Partly why you're not supposed to put insigina on it and partyly why no one did. Like vietnam tiger stripes... if a suits going to last you less than a month in the field its simply a waste of time constantly rebadging it. If you wanty to look *good* leave it blank, it tends to look stupid tricked out. The only blinged up and badged ones i've seen have all been for officers who were senior enough not to be wrecking it crawling throuhg mud and guts on a daily basis. (its also a far cheaper option seeing as we dont get out sets issued by the QM and cant hand in the old ones for a new set when they get wrecked or the insignia gets lost )