Post by customairsoftweap on Jul 30, 2011 14:42:47 GMT -5
Which types of Waffen-SS units would have worn the M37 tunic during the war, or was it really ever worn at all by troops? I am trying to get a Waffen SS Gebirgsjaeger uniform and kit together and saw this tunic on Hessen, thought it was interesting. Any information on this tunic, or the tunics worn by the Gebirgsjaegers would be appreciated.
Post by Fusilier on Jul 30, 2011 19:38:19 GMT -5
The ONLY units who wore that uniform were the ones who were around at the beginining of the War. Liebstandartes,Deutschland and Germania regiments. By the time mountain units were formed,this tunic wasn't being issued anymore. A VERY uncommon tunic if you're thinking of doing a uncommon unit.
How bout regular German infantry??? We sure could use more of those..
Just some friendly advice.
Post by customairsoftweap on Jul 30, 2011 21:28:30 GMT -5
I was just curious about it. The reason i'm not doing regular Heer infanrty is because I am trying to get a Gew33/40.